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SAUTER Delta 185 Grand Piano

This grand piano’s range of tones has set new standards, continuously bewitching the listener with new sounds. The perfect instrument for chamber music recitals and to refine anyone’s lifestyle.

SAUTER Masterclass 130 Upright Piano (Ebony Polished)

Sound board made of finest Val di Fiemme tonewood. Sharp tones made of ebony, hand-grounded cast plate, hammerheads with walnut core and choice high-quality felts, double repetition action, sostenuto pedal* (sustaining pedal) as on grand pianos.
Lock, hygrometer, and brass castors. Solid string back. Inside of casing and hammer shaft covered with maple heartwood, hydraulic soft fallboard**.

Sauter Vista 122 Upright Piano (Black Polished)

The classical front is only broken up by one central joint. Console and keyboard are separated from each other, the units clearly contrasting each other by shadow joints.
High-class details: fittings, pedals and double castors match the body finish with a choice of either high-polish chrome-plated or in nickel velour. The precious grip makes it
easy to open the instrument. Lock, grand lid, practice pedal, and double repetition action of grand pianos.